Physical Education
Curriculum IntentAt Christleton Primary school we like to keep mentally and physically fit. We want our children to live a healthy lifestyle, love physical education and enjoy a range of sports. We want them to be the best they can be and not to set limits to what their ambitions are.
How we teach (Implementation)At Christleton Primary school our PE curriculum is based on the National Curriculum and aims to provide children with knowledge and skills across a broad range of sports.
The scheme is organised into progressive blocks that allow core declarative and procedural knowledge to be built upon in complexity. |
We use a variety of teaching and learning styles in physical education lessons such as a mixture of whole-class teaching and individual/group activities. Teachers / or external coaches model sporting skills then provide pupils with opportunities for them to practise their newly learnt skills. Teachers / or external coaches draw attention to good examples of individual performance as models for the other children and we encourage children to evaluate their own work as well the work of other pupils.
The scheme has been chosen as the 'whole child approach' enables them to develop their social, emotional thinking (SAT) skills. Lessons develop physical and mental capabilities that allow children to self-reflect, motivate and challenge themselves. |
We teach lessons so that children:
Our schemes of work from GetSet4Pe allows our experienced practitioners to adapt and change lessons to suit the needs of our children whilst having the structure to be picked up by a non-PE specialist teacher to follow with enough detail and support to deliver a high quality lesson |
Additional PE OpportunitiesWe aim to provide a variety of sporting opportunities. These encourage pupils to further develop their skills in a range of the activity areas. The focus sport in each lesson changes each term in the school year. As well as sporting opportunities within the school community, we also enter partnership and county sporting events. The pupils have opportunities to competitively play in tennis, athletics, dodgeball, football, rugby, cricket, hockey and netball (this is not an exhaustive list). These experiences allow for our children to apply their sporting skills, develop team skills and learn how to play competitively. Our Enhancing PE page (accessed via the link below) provides more details of our opportunities. |
InclusionPupils have a wide range of physical ability. Whilst recognising this fact, we provide suitable learning opportunities for all pupils by matching the challenge of the task to the ability of the child and in doing so raise pupil’s health and fitness levels, improve skills and develop pupil’s resilience, teamwork and perseverance. |
AssessmentAt Christleton primary school our assessment focusses on the holistic development of a child in physical education not merely on performance. We use a combination of formative and summative assessment. These assessments are based on observations made by the teachers during each unit and may include evidence of children’s learning such as photos or video clips taken to illustrate progress.
At the end of each term a summative assessment of each child is compiled. At this point in time children are assessed as either working below, working at the expected standard or working with potential to exceed the expected standard.
Our Physical Education curriculum.The documents below outline our Physical Education curriculum. Physical Education CurriculumThis document outlines how we have planned to deliver the National Curriculum in Physical Education across Years 1- 6. Physical Education and EYFSThe EYFS framework is structured very differently to the national curriculum as it is organised across seven areas of learning rather than subject areas. For example, relevant statements can be found in the following areas: This development of knowledge and understanding does not happen in isolation without simultaneously and symbiotically developing other areas of learning. |
National Curriculum MappingOur National Curriculum coverage mapping document highlights were the Physical Education National Curriculum objectives are delivered in school. |
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Please click the icon opposite for Pupil Voice related to Physical Education |
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Please click the icon opposite for Physical Education in Action |
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Please click the icon opposite to see how we enhance our physical education curriculum |