Reception Class 2024 - 2025
Welcome to Reception!
On this class page you will be able to access information about reception/EYFS and what we will be learning.
'We love exploring the natural world and the seasons.' | 'This leaf is very spiky and icy.' | 'Snow fun!' | 'You never know what we will make next in the mud kitchen.' | 'We learned a lot of new things on our trip to Knowsley Safari Park!' |
Teaching Organisation
Mrs King is the class teacher Miss Speed and Miss Thompson are the class teaching assistants |
Context for Learning
During the spring term we will be learning about the people who help us in our communities. We have lots of exciting visitors planned and a trip to Manchester Airport! We will continue to observe the changes in our seasons and will begin to plant seeds and watch them grow. We have lots of wonderful festivals to celebrate this term too! In reception we understand how powerful play is to help us to learn! We follow the children's interests, so you never know what unique interests will help us to learn!
Important dates
20th January: Cheshire Fire Brigade Visit
24th-26th January: Big Garden Bird Watch
29th January: Lunar New Year
11th February: Safer Internet Day
6th March: World Book Day
W/C 10th March: Science Week
18th March: Trip to Runway at Manchester Airport
31st March: Eid
22nd and 24th April: Parents Evening
22nd April: World Art Day
W/C 6th May: Mental Health Awareness Week
20th May: World Bee Day
W/C 19th May: Health Week.
Useful information
During the spring term term we will have PE on a Thursday.
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday |
Friday |
PE |
Useful Documents
The documents below will be updated to provide you with current information about the learning taking place in class. There may also be additional resources to support you and your child.
You will also be able to access the Meet the Teacher PowerPoint from September.
Read Write inc
How is phonics taught in school? Click on the link below to find out more!
It is important that the children pronounce the sounds they are taught in class correctly.
Click on the link below to watch how the sounds should be pronounced.