Mathematics (The teaching of numeracy skills)
Together, we take our children on a journey that is engaging, exciting and empowering for all.
Through our implementation of the 2014 National Curriculum for Mathematics we ensure that our children:
- Become proficient in the fundamentals of Mathematics
- Are able to reason mathematically
- Can solve problems by applying their Mathematics
We have decided the order in which we will teach our units of work which enables us to plan coverage of the entire National Curriculum but allows us to prioritise the DfE Ready to Progress statements. Teachers consider the needs of their cohort before determining how many weeks they will spend on each topic. The NCETM Teaching for Mastery Assessment questions are built into units of work to enable teachers to effectively assess children’s understanding at a Mastery and Greater Depth level within a unit of work. Please see each class’s individualised yearly overview on their long term plans attached below.
The subject leader monitors the progress of mathematics through work scrutiny of mathematics books, listening to pupil voice, observing lessons and discussions with staff.
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Maths lessons follow our whole school approach to teaching and learning underpinned by Rosenshine's 'Principles of Instruction'. Key prior learning is reviewed in each lesson before new material is introduced in a small steps approach. The children are then guided through concepts before being given the opportunity to embed their learning with greater independence. Children are provided with opportunities to practise previous fluency learning before being introduced to their next small step of learning. When the children are proficient with a mathematic concept, we extend and deepen this understanding further through reasoning and problem solving opportunities.
Our pupils are encouraged to explore and develop their understanding using concrete manipulatives before presenting their ideas pictorially and then abstractly. Concrete and pictorial representations are readily available for all children and they are encouraged to be used to support learning. Cross-curricular, outside and active mathematics is encouraged where it enhances and enriches learning.
At Christleton Primary School, maths skills are embedded within lessons and developed consistently over time. By ensuring children are secure in their fluency skills before moving on to more complex mathematics, we develop children’s confidence to tackle a variety of problems either independently or in collaboration with their peers. We build in regular opportunities for our children to reflect on and evaluate on the skills that they have used in order for them to take ownership and pride in their work.
We celebrate Maths through Maths Week and World Maths Day, where we link our learning to the children's interests and real life contexts such as using money to plan a holiday or a shopping trip.
We are committed to ensuring that our children are able to recognise the importance of Mathematics in the wider world and that they are also able to use their mathematical skills and knowledge confidently in their lives in a range of different contexts. Children enjoy Mathematics and experience success in the subject, with the ability to reason mathematically. We develop children’s curiosity about the subject, as well as an appreciation of the beauty and power of Mathematics.
Through our teaching and learning of mathematics, all children have a positive view of the subject; are able to enthusiastically discuss and explain their mathematical learning using key vocabulary; become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics; and can solve problems by applying their mathematics to increasingly complex problems.
As a result of their learning in mathematics and problem solving across the curriculum, children will:
- Be prepared for applying their skills effectively in everyday life situations, in their future learning and in the work place.
- Have the building blocks in place and to provide a solid foundation to lead onto secondary, further and higher education.
Useful Websites
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