

Welcome to our staffing page. This page will provide you with an overview of the staffing team here at Christleton Primary School.


Senior Leadership Team 2024-2025

Headteacher Mr O. Mitchell
Deputy Headteacher Mrs N. Hughes
SENDCO Mrs R. Bingham
School Bursar Mrs L. Bowes 


Teaching Structure 2024-2025

Headteacher Mr O. Mitchell
Deputy Headteacher Mrs N. Hughes
Year 6 Teacher Miss H. Burns
Year 5 Teachers

Mrs J. Shaw (0.6) 

Mrs S. Barnes (0.4)

Year 4 Teacher

Miss E. Shepherd

Year 3 Teachers

Miss K. Stokes (0.6)

Mrs S. Barnes (0.4)

Year 2 Teachers

Mrs N. Hughes (0.8)

Mrs R. Bingham (0.2) 

Year 1 Teachers

Miss C. Grogan

Reception Teacher Mrs S. King
SENDCO  Mrs R. Bingham


Support Staff - Teaching

Higher Level Teaching Assistant (part-time) Mrs J. Bradshaw
Teaching Assistant (full-time) Miss S. Speed
Teaching Assistant (full-time) Mrs S. Thompson
Teaching Assistant and midday (part-time) Mrs L. Maddison
Teaching Assistant (Full time 1:1) Mrs J. Benton 
Teaching Assistant (1:1) Mrs S. Grooms
Teaching Assistant (Part-time) Mrs M. Gaynon
Teaching Assistant (Part-time 1:1) Mrs C. Mesney


Support Staff - Non Teaching


Mrs L. Bowes

Admin Assistants

Mrs T. Croft (0.6) (Monday, Thursday, Friday)

Mrs J. Hughes (0.2) (Tuesday and Wednesday morning)

Maintenance Officer Mr A. Smith
Cleaning Contractor Konext Cleaning 
School Cook Mrs D. Clayton
Kitchen Assistants

Mrs M. Brown

Mrs T. Worthington

Midday Assistants

Mrs M. Wah Cheng

Mrs S. Renner

Mrs J. Benton

Mrs S. Garrod- Cousens


School Governors

The Governors are responsible for the general conduct and overall management of the school and meet at least once a term.

Chair of Governors  Mr D. Lewis
Chair of Governors Vice Chair Mrs Y. Gibson


Headteacher Mr O. Mitchell

Local Authority Governor


Mrs Y. Gibson
Parent Governors

Mr S. Potter 

Mrs H. Eaton

Co-opted Governors


Mr J. West

Mrs E. Inall

Mr D. Lewis

Mrs K. Fisher


Staff Governor Mrs S. King
Associate Members

Mrs L. Bowes

Mrs N. Hughes

Clerk to Governors Mrs J. Critchley


Christleton Primary School

Quarry Ln, Christleton, Chester CH3 7AY
Our school is a place of learning where everyone is valued and positively encouraged to achieve their full potential in a safe and caring environment.
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Get in Touch

Telephone 01244 455288
Contact Lisa Bowes, Taryn Croft and Jane Hughes
Bursar and School Admin Assistants
Get Directions