School Dinners
Our staff |
Christleton Primary Schools meals are provided by Edsential. The Edsential catering team are: Catering Supervisor - Mrs Diane Clayton Catering Assistants - Mrs Brown and Mrs J. Benton |
Who provides the school meals? Meals are provided by Cheshire West & Chester Council through their "Children & Young Peoples Catering Services" (formerly CBS). How do I pay for school meals? School meals should be paid using your ParentPay online account Payment should be made in advance of taking a meal. It is preferred if payment can be made at least weekly. |
What is the cost of school meals? School meals are currently £3.00 A termly overview of costs can be found below. Please note that every child in reception, year 1 and year 2 will receive a free school lunch. Can my child bring a break-time snack? Children are allowed to bring a healthy snack for morning break but we suggest to parents that fruit is the most suitable option. School snacks (toast, bagels and fruit juice) are provided for children in years 3, 4, 5 & 6, which should be paid for via parentpay. Fresh fruit is provided for all our infant age children (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2). |
Free School Meals To find out if your child is eligible for Free School Meals, please see the information on the Cheshire West and Chester website which can be accessed by the link below |