

As a Chester West and Chester Local authority maintained school we follow the local authority admissions procedures. 


In-year admissions

If you would like to apply for a place in our school during the school year and your child is aged 5-11 please complete the in-year application form via a link to the Cheshire West and Chester web page here:


Below is a simplified diagram of the in-year admission process

Colorful Get Things Done Flowchart Infographic Graph (1).jpg

Apply For A Place – Reception (EYFS) September 2025

New starters for Reception (also known as EYFS) for September 2025, please follow the link to the Cheshire West and Chester Application process.

Applications for September 2025 starters are dealt with by the Cheshire West and Chester admissions team not the school.

We warmly encourage visits to the school, please contact the school office to book a place.

(01244455288 or [email protected])


Starting Christleton Primary School

If you are interested in your child attending Christleton Primary School please see our Starting School Page which can be accessed by clicking the link below.




Current Admissions

We are currently at our planned admission number (PAN) in all year groups.


Year group  PAN  On Roll
EYFS 30 30 (No spaces)
Year 1 30 31 (No spaces)
Year 2 30 31 (No spaces)
Year 3 30 31 (No spaces)
Year 4 30 31 (No spaces)
Year 5 30 31 (No spaces)
Year 6 30 30 (No spaces)


Where in any year the school receives more applications for places than there are places available, a waiting list will operate.

In order to be added to this waiting list you must comeplte an applicaiton uising the in-year application form above. 



Choosing your child’s primary or secondary school can be a difficult decision for you to make. The law does not give you a choice of school but it allows you to ‘express a preference’. In Cheshire West and Chester most parents and carers get a place for their child the school they want. However, occasionally demand is higher than there are places available; therefore, some parents are refused a place for their child.  If this happens you have a legal right to appeal.

For help with appeals click the link below.

Appeal Guidance


Where to find help

[email protected]

School Admissions,

Cheshire West and Chester Council,

Wyvern House,

The Drumber,



0300 123 7039


Useful Resources / Information

Please see the attachements below for further information and some useful resources.

Files to Download

Christleton Primary School

Quarry Ln, Christleton, Chester CH3 7AY
Our school is a place of learning where everyone is valued and positively encouraged to achieve their full potential in a safe and caring environment.
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Get in Touch

Telephone 01244 455288
Contact Lisa Bowes, Taryn Croft, Jane Hughes and Justine Angrave
Bursars and School Admin Assistants
Get Directions