Vision, Values & Aims
Our Vision
Our school is a place of learning where everyone is valued and positively encouraged to achieve their full potential in a safe and caring environment.
Our Motto
Be the best you can be.
Our Aims
At Christleton Primary School we undertake to:
- Raise levels of attainment for all pupils, enabling them to achieve their full potential
- Encourage learners to be confident, disciplined, enquiring and decisive
- Foster a love of learning in a safe and happy environment
- Develop self-respect, esteem and personal responsibility linked to the needs, awareness and Respect of others
- Foster skills that allow the development of considerate and positive relationships with others throughout the community
- Ensure equal opportunities in relation to gender, race, class, special needs and belief
- Respect and value other cultures
- Promote a thoughtful attitude towards the immediate and wider environment
Our Ethos
The ethos and atmosphere underpin the agreed aims of the school. Teachers will provide a broad and balanced curriculum, which will develop the skills, concepts and knowledge necessary for future learning. In the course of their daily work, the staff will contribute to the development of this ethos through:
- Providing a stimulating working environment at all times, in which each child can achieve their full potential
- Providing a welcoming environment, in which kindness, courtesy and respect are key
- Providing positive role models
- Providing a fair and disciplined environment in line with the school’s Behaviour and Discipline Policy
- Maintaining purposeful and informative planning, recordkeeping and assessment documents, in line with school policy
- Developing links with the local and wider community
- Allow individual pupils’ successes and achievements to be celebrated
- Welcoming, supporting and training of teaching and non-teaching staff and students
Our Values
Respect - fair play; knowing one’s own limits; and taking care of one’s health and the environment
Excellence - how to give the best of oneself, on the field of play or in life; taking part; and progressing according to one’s own objectives
Friendship - how, through sport, to understand each other despite any differences
Determination - the drive and motivation to overcome both physical and mental barriers in order to achieve your goals
Courage - having the self-belief and confidence to overcome adversity and face difficulty
Equality - showing respect and humility towards all those around you in the spirit of fair play
Inspiration - to be motivated by the achievements and actions of others and to be a positive example to others